Example Lesson with Disqus Turned On
Discussion Forms

Disqus Integration
This course showcases our integration with Disqus which allows you to offer a discussion forum to your Students.
Leveraging the Skilljar integration with Disqus, it's possible to offer a discussion forum to your Students within the Lessons in a Course. This forum is an optional setting, and can be turned ON/OFF at the lesson level. It will be OFF by default, but the lesson within this course has it turned ON.
For information on setup, please refer to this support article.
A user will be able to expand your Details section in the course and add their comments.
Disqus supports text comments and uploaded images (jpg, jpeg, non-animated gif, and png) up to 2 MB. Videos, documents, etc... can only be linked from the comments section. Learn more about what your users can do here.